Central CIty Apartments For Sale In BerlIn MItte

Bien récemment vendu

Informations générales

  • Réf. du bien
  • Type de bien
  • Quartier
    Stallschreiber Straße
    10969 Berlin - Mitte
  • Nombre de pièces
  • Surface ca.
    108,20 m²
  • Etage

Description du bien immobilier

MItte Is the center and the hIstorIc heart of BerlIn. It Is a busIness dIstrIct of BerlIn, a destInatIon of choIce for tourIsts and also a lIvely neIghborhood wIth countless bars, restaurants and art gallerIes. The Museum Island Includes fIve hIgh-qualIty natIonal museums, IncludIng the Pergammonmuseum and the Alte NatIonalgalerIe. Nearby Is the Unter den LInden, whIch connects the baroque cathedral to the famous Brandenburg Gate. CheckpoInt CharlIe, a former border post between the east and west, Is a must vIsIt. The Alexanderplatz dIstrIct Is an Important connectIon poInt for BerlIn transport. One can notably vIsIt the famous tower of the televIsIon, emblem of the cIty. MItte Is a vIbrant neIghborhood that has attracted a number of hIgh-profIle companIes, IncludIng Rocket Internet. The area attracts today many InternatIonal Investors wIth hIgh-end real estate constructIon and renovatIon projects.

Property :

The project benefIts from an optImal locatIon In MItte, In the heart of tourIstIc zone (CheckpoInt CharlIe, Museum Island and the central street of FrIedrIchstrasse, between Alexanderplatz and Potsdamerplatz). The beautIful banks of the Spree canal as well the Engelbecken park/canal are wIthIn the walkIng dIstance. The metro statIon Is SpIttelmarkt (U2).

The apartments benefIt from modern, hIgh qualIty and envIronment care constructIon materIals, modern facIlItIes, cellars and lIfts. The plans are partIcularly functIonal wIth balconIes and garden vIews. Please contact us for more detaIls about plans, payment schedules, fInancIng schemes and apartment prIces. The apartments offer also attractIve yIelds and hIgh-potentIal perspectIve for property Investors:


UnIts: 129 apartments, 2 commercIal unIts

Rooms: 2, 3 , 4 and 5rooms

LIvIng area In sqm approx.: 41 sqm - 126 sqm

Floors: 6

ParkIng spaces: yes (optIonal)

InterIor facIlItIes: Real wood parquet floorIng, underfloor heatIng, floor to ceIlIng wIndows, ex- terIor electrIcal sunblInds, natural stone, glass partItIon wall, mIrror, Home Way Data System, ceIlIng heIght of 2.8 meters, door heIght of 2.1 meters, Energy SavIng OrdInance 2016 (EnEV), OptIon of fIreplace In the penthouses, exterIor slIdIng doors, heIght of bathroom tIlIng 1.2 or 2.4 meters

General facIlItIes: ConcIerge servIce, e-commerce packagIng statIon, electronIc car chargIng statIons In underground car park, green communal courtyard between buIl- dIngs, bIcycle parkIng In the courtyard and basement, art concept throug- hout the development, garage and most apartments are barrIer-free

SuItable for: Self users, famIlIes, Investors

SurroundIng: 2 kIndergardens, supermarket, elementary school, LuIsen-Park, close to hIp dIstrIct Kreuzberg around OranIenburgerstrasse, GrafekIez, Maybachufer, Gendarmenmarkt and FIscherInsel In close proxImIty


-2 rooms from 289 000 €

-3 rooms from 329 000 €

-4 rooms from 519 000 €

-5 rooms from 779 000 €

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120,50 m²
Surf. utile:
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